Committee: |
Governance Committee
Date: |
7 November 2023
Title: |
Outside Body Appointment: Joint Parking Board
By: |
Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Purpose of report:
To appoint a County Council representative to the Joint Parking Board.
The Committee is recommended to appoint a member as the County Council’s representative on the Joint Parking Board until the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year.
1. Background Information
1.1 At the Lead Member for Transport and Environment meeting on Monday 25 September 2023 the creation of a single Parking Board was agreed (the report can be found here). The four Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) areas in East Sussex were introduced several years apart. Hastings Borough 1999, Lewes District 2004, Eastbourne Borough 2008, with Rother District being the most recent in 2020.
2. Supporting Evidence
2.1 East SussexCounty Council, together with the Eastbourne and Hastings Borough, Rother and Lewes District Councils will form the membership of the Joint Parking Board, which will meet twice a year. East Sussex County Council is committed to open dialogue and receiving suggestions from the borough and district councils for improvements to ESCC’s on-street parking schemes. Joint parking boards also give those attending the opportunity to discuss and assess the impact of changes in their area, any changes in national legislation, developments in enforcement and innovations to services.
1.2 The committee, which does not have executive decision-making powers, is comprised of two County Councillors, one being Councillor Claire Dowling, Lead Member for Transport and Environment, and a representative from each of the authorities listed in paragraph 1.1. The Committee’s Terms of Reference are set out in appendix 1 of this report.
2. Conclusion and reasons for recommendations
2.1 The Governance Committee is recommended to appoint a member to act as a representative for East Sussex County Council on the Joint Parking Board.
Contact Officer: Daniel Clarke
Tel: 01323 464057
Local Member: All
Background Documents